Dr. Manisha Singh is an eminent Gynaecologist and a subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery with over 25years of extensive surgical experience. An acknowledged expert in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery services by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), London, she has performed over 2000 first operator complex Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic procedures including LAVH, Ovarian Cystectomy, Salpingectomy, Adhesiolysis, Excision of pelvic endometriosis, and resection of sub-mucous fibroids, etc. She has also performed over 2500 cycles of IVF / ICSI and more than 4000 cases of ovulation induction/ IUI successfully.
Professional Qualification
MD (Reproductive Medicine, UK), MD (O & G, Ind), FRCOG (UK), DNBE, DGO.
A meritorious and award-winning student, Dr. Manisha, commenced her training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at KEM Hospital in 1991 and was subsequently awarded the Doctorate of Medicine by the Mumbai University in 1994. This was followed by the award of DNBE by the National Board of Exams in New Delhi in 1995. She was then awarded the MRCOG (from RCOG, London) in 1997 followed by CCST in 2005 with dual accreditation in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery in 2007 from Cambridge University. She completed her Doctorate in Reproductive Medicine from University of Leeds (UK) in 2008. She was awarded the Fellowship of the RCOG (UK) in 2012 in recognition of her contribution to the academic and clinical aspects of her chosen specialty as well as clinical excellence in the area of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery.
Her recent appointment until 2011 was at Saint Mary's University Teaching Hospital & CMFT NHS Trust (UK) as a Consultant Gynaecologist and subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine & Surgery. She along with her colleague Dr Edi-Osagie was responsible for starting the state of the art tertiary centre for the management of Endometriosis in the North-West of England, at the CMFT hospital, Manchester.
Dr. Manisha is a recognized preceptor by RCOG and University of Surrey (Guildford) for Minimal Access Surgery and for Gynaec-ultrasound. Also she is a recognized super-specialty preceptor & assessor by RCOG for Reproductive Medicine and Surgery. She has a keen interest in Clinical Governance and Risk Management.
Previous Experience
Gynaecologist and Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery in Central Manchester University Hospital Foundation Trust (Manchester, UK) - 5 years
Senior Subspecialty Fellow in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery - Cambridge University and Addenbrookes NHS Trust, UK (2 years).
Doctorate from University of Leeds (UK) in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery (2 years).
Specialist Registrar training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Nottingham and Cambridge University (CCST, UK) - 5 years.
Clinical Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, LTMGH- Sion hospital, Mumbai (2 years).
Postgraduate Resident in Obstetrics and Gynaecology - Seth GS Medical College and KEM hospital, Mumbai (3 years).
Professional Memberships
Area Of Expertise
Laparoscopic, Hysteroscopic and open surgeries, Ultrasound scanning, Infertility management & Assisted Conception techniques, Gynae-endocrinology, Pediatric & Adolescent Gynaecology and Menstrual dysfunction.
Awards And Honours
1st prize - 2nd MBBS - Microbiology
1st prize - 3rd MBBS - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Bhargava Award for distinction and honours in Gynaecology
Distinction and Honours - MD (O & G) - Mumbai University
FOGSI Travelling Fellowship for IVF / ICSI - National University Hospital, Singapore
BFS Travel Award - Oxford
Doctor of the Year Award - Council for Media and Satellite broadcasting, India, 2013
She has won "Doctor of the Year" 2013 by CMSB. Click here to read more .
Research And Publications
Dr. Manisha has been actively involved in both laboratory and clinical research in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, still continues to be involved in PCOS and Endometriosis research. Apart from being a peer reviewer for journals such as BMJ, BJOG - an international journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Human Fertility, Fertility - Sterility, JARG, EJOG, and International Journal of COPD, she has published numerous papers in over 20 different reputed journals. In addition, she has contributed significantly to the medical fraternity by presenting on various aspects of Reproductive Medicine & Surgery at different
Conferences / Workshops.
Dr. Manisha has also authored many chapters on issues ranging from Menstrual Dysfunction, ART, and Gynaecological Ultrasound in the yearly periodicals for the general practitioners, Postgraduate and Undergraduate textbooks. She has been a tutor at Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Apart from being the conductor-facilitator of MRCOG exam in Manchester, she has been a certified trainer for the MRCOG exams. She is also a member of reputed societies such as RCOG, British Fertility Society, FOGSI and MOGS.