AboutDr. Rakesh Khazanchi is the secretary General of 15th World Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS 2009). He has over 30 years of surgical experience and specializes in
cosmetic surgery, reconstructive microsurgery, vascular malformations, replantation of amputated parts and head & neck reconstruction. He has also undertaken twenty-two research projects, published more than 60 papers in national and international journals, contributed 4 chapters in textbooks and edited and authored a book on
Plastic Surgery for General Surgeons.
Experience Medanta - The Medicity (Chairman -
Plastic, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery)
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi(Professor & Head of Plastic Surgery)
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital(Sr. Consultant & Head, Dept. of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery)
Unique Contribution The effect of phosphoenolpyruvate and ATP on skeletal muscle necrosis after warm ischaemia
The anatomy of thoracodorsal artery and its effect on flap design in the rabbit
Management of facial palsy with microvascular free muscle transfer
An experimental study on the effect of nifedipine on ischaemic skin flap survival in rats
A simple technique for the excision of vascular malformation of the scalp
Anterior Encephalocoele, report of 30 cases
Evaluation of lymphatic drainage in free flaps by lymphoscintigraphy - a preliminary study
A new design for reconstruction of composite defects of cheek and lips
The meandering collateral. An alternative for renal revascularisation
Free flap urethroplasty for a complex long segment stricture of bulbomembranous urethra
Omentum Auto-transplantation in Thromboangitis Obliterans: report of three cases
Anatomy of aging face
Fellowships and Memberships Life member Association of Surgeons of India
Life member Association of Plastic Surgeons of India
Life member Indian Society of Head and Neck Oncology
Life member Delhi State Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India
Life member Delhi State Chapter of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India
Founder Life member Indian Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Life member Indian Society for surgery of Hand
Life member of Indian Association of Aesthetic plastic surgeons of India
Member Indian Society of Cleft Lip, Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies
Founder Life member of Brachial Plexus surgery group of India
Life Member Indian Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery
Awards and Achievements CMC Ludhiana, Punjab University-1980
CMC Ludhiana, Punjab University-1983
Ethicon Visiting Professorship in Microsurgery-1997
Annual Conference Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, Goa-1999
Gen Sanyal Visiting Professor-2010
Gave a "Master class on Rhinoplasty"-2011